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​September 2022

This is my last month in Cambridge. I'm sadly leaving the H3 research programme and our landscape-scale experiment led by Dr Lynn Dicks. The family is moving back to France. I am starting a new job as a Research Associate in December at INRAE Sophia-Antipolis. on the European grant ADOPT-IPM with Dr Nicolas Desneux.


August 2022

NEW PAPER PUBLISHED! Effects of drought on floral scent, plant-pollinator interactions and plant reproduction, published in Journal of Ecology. I'm very proud of this massive study.


November 2021

We have a new paper out in Advances in Ecological Advances about the impacts of global changes and future of parasitoid-based pest control, part review, part perspective.


June 2021

I am starting a new project as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Cambridge University, I will be working with Lynn Dicks, Anna Krzywoszynska and many other partners in the H3 project "Healthy Soil, Healthy Food, Healthy People", including academics from universities of Sheffield, Leeds, Cambridge, farmers networks from Cambridgeshire and Devon, the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust and many more.


This is a very exciting opportunity to investigate the potential of regenerative agriculture and soil conservation to enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural systems. The project also has a social component investigating farmers' perception and uptake of regenerative agriculture.


December 2019

The new AXA Research Fund Research Guide, in which I contributed, is now online !


September 2019

New preprint on pipeline optimization for genome assembly of non-model insect organisms published on BiorXiv: read, use, and ask any question !


June 2019

Two articles published in The Conversation about my current research project "Pollination in a drier world":

English version

French version

Interestingly, the french one had a much broader audience :)

Share widely, we need to increase the audience of the English version !!


I was interviewed for the French National Comeptition to INRA, and shortlisted second on the competition CRCN7. A very interesting experience !


April 2019

Watch this new video by @AXARF about my current project on the impacts of climate change on pollination:










New paper published in AGEE, about source-sink role of maize fields to dampen mirid bugs outbreaks in Northeastern China.


January 2019

Check out our new paper published in Journal of Applied Ecology about how we should care of spatial arrangement of attractants and rewards in crop fields to maximize conservation biocontrol in attract-and-reward strategies !


November 2018

This was great fun participating to the AXA Research Funds Media Training and Networking Days in Paris. The result is a cool 3-min video to the destination of the Media, but literally anybody interested in what my current project is, explained in simple words. See other grantees work on #ShareYourAXAResearch !









September 2018

Getting settled in Oxford for a year as an Academic Visitor in CERO with Prof. Owen Lewis.


August 2018

Ready for our last days in Marseilles, next stop: Oxford, U.K. !


September 2017

Preparing our family move to Marseilles, France. Our last days in Arizona are approaching so fast !


May 9th, 2017

I am shortlisted for an interview to an Assistant Professor position at IEES Paris, exciting ! More to come soon, the interview is in ten days.


April 24th, 2017

I just got awarded an AXA postdoctoral fellowship to work at IMBE, Marseilles ! So exciting !

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