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Dr. Coline C. Jaworski

PhD in Evolutionary Ecology

Institut Sophia Agrobiotech, INRAE

400 Route des Chappes, 06903 Sophia-Antipolis, France.

Email: coline.jaworski at


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My research

I am an evolutionary ecologist studying plant-insect interactions including pollination and conservation biological pest control. I use a variety of approaches including field observations, experimentation and modeling, touching disciplines as varied as community dynamics, chemical ecology, behavioral ecology and genomics.

Latest news

December 2022

I have started my new job at INRAE Sophia-Antipolis. I am now working as Scientific Co-coordinator of the EU-funded programme ADOPT-IPM with Dr Nicolas Desneux. This programme aims to develop and optimize new IPM tools and packages, but most importantly ensure that they will be implemented by farmers, both in Europe and China.


August 2022

NEW PAPER PUBLISHED! Effects of drought on floral scent, plant-pollinator interactions and plant reproduction, published in Journal of Ecology. I'm very proud of this massive study.

More (previous) News here

Current position

Research Associate, Team Community Ecology in Agroecosystems, Institut Sophia Agrobiotech, INRAE, with Dr Nicolas Desneux.

Previous positions



Last updated in May 2023 by Coline Jaworski. Created with

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